Strategic partnership: STRIKE Smart Baseball and PlayerPager aim to support student-athlete baseball players in US & Taiwan
- STRIKE / PlayerPager partnership centers around a shared passion to support the next generation of baseball players
- STRIKE's parent company Jingletek Inc. innovated the world's first smart baseball which PlayerPager will introduce to the US via NY Market
NYC Student-Athletes stand to gain knowledge and increased exposure from access to this technology and dynamic partnership.
BROOKLYN, NY / TAIWAN - DECEMBER 25th, 2021 - PlayerPager and STRIKE have entered into a strategic partnership with a goal to support amateur baseball players in both countries. The partners' objective is to support communities of youth and high school players with smart technology. The partnership will launch with a soon to be announced initiative to help NYC & Taiwanese achieve their dreams of playing at the next level including high school, college or professional baseball.
The STRIKE Smart Baseball unlocks invaluable data including velocity and spin rate for a fraction of the cost of industry standard systems” explains Adam Salazar, PlayerPager CEO.
Born from biomedical and electric vehicle technology and developed in Taiwan the STRIKE ball is the world's smartest baseball available to players. #STRIKE is excited to leverage PlayerPager's deep rooted relationships in NYC to introduce our product to the ball players of the Big Apple and all of the United States. This partnership is a natural fit and great opportunity for two sports tech companies to work together and increase opportunities for players in both Taiwan and America.” says Mike Hong, Jingletek VP Business Development.
This partnership will announce details on their baseball initiative in Q1 2022
Contact person for press inquiries (STRIKE):
Mike Hong e-mail:
Contact person for press inquiries (PlayerPager):
Adam Salazar e-mail:
Jingletek Inc., developed the world's first smart baseball #STRIKE” to provide advanced data which was previously unavailable at an affordable price to everyone. STRIKE is currently sold in major baseball countries including the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Headquartered in Taiwan, home to world class semiconductor industry, high-end software talent, and cost-effective sporting goods OEMs. With these resources, Jingletek keeps leading the sports technology in baseball, while also leveraging the technology to other sports.
About PlayerPager
PlayerPager is a media company dedicated to elevating and supporting student-athletes. Based in Brooklyn, NY PlayerPager is the trusted brand among NYC High School athletes. Having grown from youth and high school football, our focus is now on growing and nurturing the baseball community. In addition to an app PlayerPager