STRIKE 2.0 Metrics




AVG. Speed (kph/mph)

Average ball velocity pitched by a pitcher.


Total spin (rpm)

Average RPM of a Pitcher's Pitch.


Top spin (rpm)

Spin rate acting on the horizontal axis and rotating in the vertical direction.

*Positive when rotation is from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock; negative when rotation is from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock.


Side spin (rpm)

Spin rate acting on the vertical axis and rotating in the horizontal direction.

*Positive when rotation is from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock; negative when rotated from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock.


Release time (s)

The number of seconds it takes from the moment the pitcher starts pitching to the pitcher releases the ball.


Travel time (s)

The number of seconds it takes from the moment the pitcher starts pitching to the catcher catching the ball.


Vertical break (cm/inch)

The vertical movement of the ball trajectory affected by the rotation speed and the zero rotation speed.

*up is positive; down is negative.


Horizontal break (cm/inch)

The horizontal movement of the ball trajectory affected by the rotation speed and the zero rotation speed trajectory.

*Pitcher's perspective, right is positive; left is negative.


Spin direction (hh:mm/°)

The direction of rotation, expressed in the direction of the clock's hour or in degrees.

When expressed in degrees, the 12 o'clock direction is 0 degrees, and the degrees increase clockwise.

*Shown from pitcher's perspective


Spin efficiency (%)

The spin ratio that produces effective displacement on the pitch.


Gyro degree (°)

The angle between the rotation axis and the effective rotation plane, usually the smaller the angle, the greater the rotation efficiency.

*The effective rotation plane referred to here is the two-dimensional plane formed by the third base to the first base, the ground to the sky, that is, the plane perpendicular to the pitching direction.

*When the ball is clockwise (the rotation axis is facing forward), the right side is positive; the left side is negative.

*When the ball rotates counterclockwise (the rotation axis is facing backward), the right side is negative; the left side is positive.





Total spin (rpm)

Average RPM of a catcher's pitch.


Pop time (s)

The number of seconds it takes from the moment the catcher catches the ball to the time the ball enters the baseman's glove.


Exchange time (s)

The number of seconds it takes from the moment the catcher catches the ball to the catcher releases the ball.


Bounces (#)

Number of bounces on the ground when the catcher throws the ball to the baseman.


Spin direction (hh:mm/°)

The direction of rotation, expressed in the direction of the clock's hour or in degrees.

When expressed in degrees, the 12 o'clock direction is 0 degrees, and the degrees increase clockwise.

*Shown from pitcher's perspective.


Spin efficiency (%)

The spin ratio that produces effective displacement on the pitch.


Gyro degree (°)

The angle between the rotation axis and the effective rotation plane, usually the smaller the angle, the greater the rotation efficiency.

*The effective rotation plane referred to here is the two-dimensional plane formed by the third base to the first base, the ground to the sky, that is, the plane perpendicular to the pitching direction.

*When the ball is clockwise (the rotation axis is facing forward), the right side is positive; the left side is negative.

*When the ball rotates counterclockwise (the rotation axis is facing backward), the right side is negative; the left side is positive.



*Some metrics are not included in the basic functions and need to be combined with a software subscription plan.